Volunteer meal preparation and serving on Dec. 25

What an amazing group of volunteers. Preparing and serving TWO Christmas meals in one day!

Thanks for all your support!


Bring your recipes and your energy to dinner on December 25th!

This year, Temple B’nai Tikvah will be providing Christmas meals to two different groups of people:

1. Awo Taan Healing Lodge

This is a First Nations Women’s Shelter located in a central southwest Calgary. We need 10-12 volunteers to prepare and serve dinner at the Lodge on Christmas Day. If you’re interested, please contact Nadine Waldman via the office.


2. Murray’s House

Run by the Sharp Foundation, Murray’s House is a 23 unit apartment building that provides a residence with full support services for the chronically homeless. Meal preparation will be at Temple and then served at the building. We will need about 12 volunteers, men or women. If you’re interested, please contact Paul Leney via the office.

Special Programs on Yom Kippur Afternoon

20×20 Talks: Powered by Pechakucha
Emcee: Norm Yanofsky

We invited a fascinating and diverse group of Temple members to speak to us about turning.

Each speaker has submitted 20 slides which will show for 20 seconds each, allowing the speaker exactly six minutes and forty seconds to address “Turning” from his or her own unique perspective.

Speakers: Kaye Booth, Dan Furst, Maggie Harder, Alain Hepner, Sandy Mann, Jenny McKenney, Marg Semel, Sydney Sharpe, …and maybe others!

Pechakucha – Japanese for “chitchat.” Engaging speakers; 20 slides; 20 seconds each; a wonderful experience for us all.


Led by Betsy Jameson

A gentle contemplative service employing Hebrew chant and guided meditation to expand and deepen the experience of teshuvah. Like the call of the shofar and the haunting notes of Kol Nidre, melodies and the silences between them help guide and deepen our inward turning.
No previous experience with meditation or chant is necessary. This is about listening and deepening, not performance.

“When we chant we are using the whole body as the instrument with which to feel the meaning of the sacred phrase.” – Rabbi Shefa Gold


The 20 x 20 Powered by Pechakucha program will conclude at 3:00 PM.
The Chant/Meditation Service will conclude no later than 3:30 PM. It is OK to leave earlier.


Celebrate Pride Week


Pride Week Events

  • Pride Shabbat Dinner – Friday August 31, 2018 (BUY YOUR TICKET NOW).
  • Join Temple at Pride Parade – On the morning of Sunday September 2, 2018, Temple members will be walking in Calgary’s Pride Parade. Please join us and bring family and friends. Gather at Riverfront Avenue between Macleod Trail SE and 1 Street SE. The Parade starting point is at 350 6 Ave SE, but we will be gathering on the Riverfront Avenue between Macleod Trail SE & 1 Street SE. Arrival time is set at 9 a.m., with go time at 1030 a.m. Wear your best pride colours and be creative! Our position number is 157, staging block is O. Please note, there won’t be any parking at site, so it is best to use public transit to get there. http://www.calgarypride.ca/events/parade-2018/

Watch this space and e-blasts for details.

Job Opportunity at Temple B’nai Tikvah

Temple B’nai Tikvah seeks an Interim Educator with primary responsibility as principal for our Shabbat School.

The Interim Educator will report to the rabbi, and will be eligible to apply for the permanent position when it is advertised.

Qualifications: We place highest priority on the ability to administer a thriving Reform Jewish synagogue educational program. We seek a self-motivated, proactive individual with the ability to work well independently and in partnership with the rabbi, Temple leadership and staff, and with the Shabbat School, teachers, students and the parent committee. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work well as part of a team are critical for success. The ideal candidate will be both a leader who can implement first-rate religious school programs, and an administrator who can eff ectively manage both people and projects.

Further information and the job description are available here: Interim Educator Job Post.

To apply, submit a letter of application, resume, and the names and contact information of three references to
search@bnaitikvah.ca by July 13, 2018.

Rabbi Glickman at Pecha Kucha

Rabbi Glickman spoke at Pecha Kucha in Calgary.

Pecha Kucha #32 featured 10 speakers giving talks on the theme of the evening over slide shows consisting of 20 slides that show for 20 seconds each. The theme of this Pecha Kucha evening was “Fate.”

Watch Rabbi Glickman’s presentation here:

PKN 32: Fate – Mark Glickman

We asked a rabbi to talk about Fate – he said he had no choice but to say yes, but whether it would be good or not…It's Rabbi Mark Glickman speaking at #PKNYYC 32: Fate at Alberta Theatre Projects!

Posted by PechaKucha Night Calgary on Tuesday, March 20, 2018


For more details, see: Pecha Kucha #32.

President’s Message – January 2018

A bit over eighteen years ago a stranger rang my doorbell, handed me a beautiful basket with a challah and bottle of wine, smiled, and said, “Welcome to B’nai Tikvah.” New to Temple, new to Calgary, new to Canada; her smile and that welcome basket lit up my day.

It’s an annual mitzvah now lovingly orchestrated by Deb and Paul Finkleman, with a terrific band of volunteers who assemble and deliver the baskets. I thank them, and join them in welcoming the newest members to B’nai Tikvah.

As with so much at Temple, this mitzvah reminds me that it takes a community to grow and renew a community. Our Adult Education Committee has worked to produce the new Java and Torah Saturday study sessions, the adult Hebrew class (great preparation for the upcoming adult B’nai Mitzvah class), and Rabbi Rick Kline’s course on Preparation for the End of Life. Jennifer Eiserman kicked off this year’s Lunch and Learn with a talk on the Rothko Chapel. Social Action volunteers are making school lunches for hungry kids, researching pressing social issues with MAC-G, and working at our new Satellite Food Bank. Shabbat School is humming; the Youth Group and our new Rugelach Program vibrate with youthful energy. The Caring Community is cooking away each month, and reaching out to isolated and ill members. Two short-term committees are reviewing our constitution and by-laws and assessing what we need to do to maintain our building in coming years.

The fun continues. On November 28, Yair Lootsteen, Deputy Chair of the Israel Movement for Reform Judaism, will speak at Temple on the topic “Against All Odds – The Remarkable Story of Reform Judaism in Israel Today.” Ordinarily, for the December Kol Tikvah, I’d put this talk in the past tense, but our terrific Kol Tikvah team has come in ahead of schedule recently. Whether Mr. Lootsteen will soon speak or has just spoken when you read this, please join me in thanking Lori Hartwick who worked so hard to bring him to Calgary.

Three events are definitely forthcoming. On December 6, my old friend and colleague Don Smith will speak at our next Lunch and Learn. The author of books on Grey Owl, Long Lance, Honoré Jaxon, and Calgary’s Grand Theatre, Don always entertains and informs.

I am eagerly anticipating our next contemporary Israeli music concert on December 14, an Arik Einstein Tribute concert of classic folk songs of Israel with a trio led by Miki Gavrielov, one of Einstein’s co-writers. Thanks, as always, to Steve Eichler for all he does to bring great music to Temple.

And Chanukah is coming! Please join us for the Temple Chanukah celebration, and please add a gift for our Temple Tzedakah box: toiletries for Calgary’s homeless, or food for Miriam’s Well.

I wish you all the most sizzling latkes and sufganyot, the luckiest dreidel spins, and the joy of a community enriched by your energy, interests, ideas, and spirits. Chag Chanukah sameach.