Canada-Wide Tikkun Olam Town Hall – Aug 23

Save the Date

A Canada-Wide Tikkun Olam Town Hall

Sunday, August 23 from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM MT

As you know, the Canadian Reform Jewish movement is deeply committed to Tikkun Olam – to helping the disadvantaged, fighting discrimination in all its forms, caring for our world and creating a more just and caring society. The National Tikkun Olam Steering Committee, under the umbrella of the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism (CCRJ), has been established to support our efforts locally, regionally and nationally.

To help identify the most pressing issues in our communities and to explore how the CCRJ can best support initiatives both locally and nationally, we invite you to join us in a virtual Tikkun Olam Town Hall, on Sunday, August 23, from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM MT. Please extend this invitation to any folks in your community who are passionate about Tikkun Olam.

We will use breakout rooms and other forms of engagement to encourage every participant to contribute to this discussion.

Please register for the Tikkun Town Hall and please share this invitation with others. We look forward to seeing you virtually on August 23rd.

For more info on the Tikkun Olam Steering Committee.

Canada-wide Selichot – Sep 12

The Canadian Council of Reform Judaism (CCRJ) is organizing a Canada-wide Selichot service and YOU are invited to attend.

Save the date: Sat Sept. 12, 7:00 pm MT

7:00-7:30 pm –Special Guest speaker Dr. Larry Hoffman
7:30-8:00 pm – Discussion facilitated in Zoom breakout rooms
8:00 pm – Havdalah
8:15 pm – Selichot Service

Contact the Temple Office for more information.


Volunteer for Casino, Dec 23 or 24

We have recently been assigned Monday and Tuesday, December 23rd and 24th, 2019 as the dates for our next casino.

This is a very important fundraiser for the Temple. We expect to receive $70,000 for the two-day casino.

That’s over $200 per hour that you volunteer.

There is no other volunteer fundraising activity that is more valuable to the Temple.

Temple Casino Fundraiser

Please Volunteer for Dec 23 or 24


These dates coincide with the second and third candles of Chanukah. Rabbi Glickman has given the ‘thumbs-up’ for us to accept this time slot for two reasons. First, because Chanukah is a minor holiday on the Jewish calendar, our members aren’t prohibited from being involved in extracurricular activities. In fact, the rabbi thinks we should dub the casino event “The Festival of Flashing Lights!” Second, it allows our neighbours who celebrate Christmas some time off during their important holiday season.

There is another huge advantage to accepting these specific dates. The casino hours will be drastically shortened on December 24th; there is no evening shift that day, and the count room volunteers are only required to work a shift of about two hours (4:30-6:30 pm). Despite the shorter number of volunteers / volunteer hours required, the Temple will still receive an even share of the ‘pool’ when funds are calculated at the end of the fiscal quarter.

We need a total of 30-40 volunteers to staff the casino, as well as some spare volunteers who would be willing to cover a shift at the last minute. No prior experience is required — our awesome advisors are happy to train new volunteers.

This year, we’re asking you to sign up via Signup Genius. Once you have signed up for a shift, a volunteer worker form will be emailed to you. Shifts / volunteer positions will be confirmed when the forms are received.

If you have questions, please contact Jane Paterson at 403-803-1132 or Jeff Booke at 403-355-1231.